Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year..same ol' same ol'

Yes, it is 2012 Happy New Year Everyone who reads this..well I have made up in my mind to be the healthiest and happiest I can be in 2011 so I decided to carry that over to 2012! I never made a New Years resolution I just realized I needed a change last year and I plan on keeping my word to myself to be healthy! I have started a new business called AdvoCare and I so love the health products and I also will be doing wellness coaching this year while finishing up my Bachelors in Complementary and Alternative Health.  But I also want to be the top notch African American female Zumba teacher of all time! LOL! I want to draw people to class (well let God do that) but have a fun, exciting, hardworking, invigorating, class that people love coming to and will get an awesome workout while there...I don't know is that asking for too much?  Well while on this journey I am trying to lose weight now that is another story within itself.  But I am not giving up, no way I can't I have to prove to MYSELF that I can do this and that this will be my healthy lifestyle FOREVER! I feel that I can teach others to become healthy, and dance with passion while having fun with Zumba and working for myself!

Well keep in mind that nothing comes easy so I need to know work is ahead of me...but I'm pushing forward what about you? Don't just say or make a New Years Resolution to get healthy or lose weight then after a month you fall to the weigh side..NO determined within yourself that now is the time and keep it positive! Start to get around like minded people who are also on the same path and who has been for a while this can encourage you.  Well I am signing off it is late..I need sleep got a lot to do tomorrow and working out has been placed in my calendar for a 2pm appointment time! See you at the GYM!